Turn Losing weight into a game complete with Badges using SlimKicker

Weight Loss Progress

Weight Loss Progress (Photo credit: Lexinatrix)

When it comes to obtaining a goal such as Weight loss, perhaps you might be served better if your turned the goal into a game where you have goals and get rewarded for accomplishing certain things, well you can get this type of game using the service SlimKicker which will help you make a game out of losing weight, check out the service Slimkicker which also has a iOS app.

Plan your meals with the service Swole.me

she ate it so meticulously

she ate it so meticulously (Photo credit: somethingstartedcrazy)

If your on a Diet or some other type of restrictions regarding what you eat, you might want to get some assistance in regards to the things you should be eating, or the meals you can eat without defeating a higher goals such as avoiding a food, or watching calorie intake for weight loss, you might find the service Swole.me useful in helping you fight your fight, for more check out the service Swole.me.

SuperTracker slaps What your eating and your Exercise into one Place

super tracker

Image by jonny2love via Flickr

It probably makes sense to plan out what your going to be eating, and then to plan on some sort of exercise to keep yourself in shape based on the diet you have, but now you can manage both with the service SuperTracker.

Get a Diet, Shopping and Exercise plan from OobaFit

Gonzales, LA, September 16, 2005 - A rescued d...

Image via Wikipedia

If you want to start a new diet and have no clue as to where to start, then you need a plan and Oobafit is here to help you out by assisting you in your planning process, Oobafit can also help you plan for Shopping and Exercising too so check out the service, Oobafit.

Lose Weight by Down sizing that Plate

weight loss exercise class

Image by ninahale via Flickr

You probably have thought about this before but using your mind to will yourself to eat less and still feel full from eating a plate of food can do wonders when your trying to lose weight, check out this article that explains more on how this can help your diet out, HERE.

Don’t be so exact with Calories when on a Diet

weight loss exercise class

Image by ninahale via Flickr

Maybe you have been very rigid with your diet and you feel your still falling short of your project weight loss goals and your not sure what to do, well maybe you need to loosen up a bit and not be so exact with your calorie counting, check out this article that explains how this works in your battle with weight loss, HERE.

What you eat Trumps the Calorie Count for Weight Loss

The “weigh” he was Camp America commandant los...

Image via Wikipedia

You always hear a thousand different things you can do to lose weight but does any of it really work, and sometimes we may thing counting calories will lead us to a new slim body and end up with more or less the same frame from the past, check out this article that attempts to explain why its more important to watch what you eat rather than its calorie count, HERE.

Using sleep to assist in Weight Loss

My Weight Loss Coach

Image via Wikipedia

Check out this article that talks about how the right amount of sleep can aid in your Weight Loss fight, for more details on this topic, check out the article HERE.

Find the Best Diet For You

The Diet is Japan's national legislature, resp...

Image via Wikipedia

Your getting on a Diet because your feeling a bit over weight not a problem, but finding the right Diet for you can be a real problem at times, check out this article that might be able to figure it out for you HERE.

Calories Burnt from exercise Chart

FORT MONROE, Va. (April 26, 2007) - Machinist'...

Image via Wikipedia

So your doing various exercises and your wondering what exactly am I losing when I do these sit ups or other exercise well hopefully this chart can help you figure it out, HERE.