See How many Uncompleted Task your Text base To-Do list has left on your Mac OS Desktop

Time Management

Time Management (Photo credit: Intersection Consulting)

Perhaps your looking to keep track of what you have to do, and you want to see how many task you have left on you to-do list without actually opening up the program, well you can have this type of functionality for your Mac OS desktop by using the program TaskBadges which adds a count of the number of uncompleted task left on your to-do list in your menu bar, for more check out TaskBadges for Mac OS.

Fixing Out of Sync Audio on VLC player with Keyboard Shortcut

English: VLC icon

English: VLC icon (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

VLC player is pretty handy video playback program, and one of the things that make it cool is that it is designed to be very simple to use, and to that end, if you do find that your watching a video in VLC and the audio seem out of sync, you can use a simple keyboard shortcut to get things back in order, for more check out this article that talks about this more HERE.

Google Knowledge Graph introduces a Visual Search on the Side

Image representing Google as depicted in Crunc...

Image via CrunchBase

Sometimes you probably wish you could get a different type of result from a Google Search, one that was more about connecting you with ideas related to your search term, or perhaps to view your search results in a different type of way, well you may be pleased to see Google’s new Google Knowledge Graph that will slowly be rolled out to users, that gives you a new set of results that will appear on the side of your Google Search, for more check out this article HERE.

How to Group Videos in iTunes


iTunes (Photo credit: ʇhamin – free lancer)

If you have tried to get your Videos in iTunes in order you might have found it a bit more trick than you thought, but if you save the videos as TV Shows, then it will be a bit more easier to find videos and group videos together, for more check out this article HERE.

Give your Android device a General Tune up with Cosmos

Image representing Android as depicted in Crun...

Image via CrunchBase

When you use any device over time it builds up files, logs and junk that you really don’t need on your device, but it may not be so simple for you to remove if you can at all, but this is where a handy program called Cosmos for Android kicks in, cleaning up your device and even doing a little power management among other things, for more check out Cosmos for Android.

Check out the Rebooted Firefox for Android

Image representing Firefox as depicted in Crun...

Image via CrunchBase

Firefox for Android has been around for sometime now, but it has gone through a few things, like losing features, then it has to change the way it works to get going on Android in the first place, but now there is a new polished, and pretty useful versions of Mozilla Firefox for Android.

Bring your Tabs with you By Signing into Google Chrome

Logo used from the start of the Chrome project...

Logo used from the start of the Chrome project until March 2011 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

If you like the idea of having your tabs follow you from computer or device to device, then you might consider using the Google Chrome feature which will allow you to open tabs from other device on your current device by going to a menu and selecting the tab from your other device that you want to open, for more on this Google Chrome feature check out there official blog post HERE.

Make documents look professional by Switching the Mode there in

Resume: Japanese and English

Resume: Japanese and English (Photo credit: Ryan Hageman)

If your trying to share an official document, perhaps like your Resume, the format you use to distribute the file will reflect the feel of the file before the person your sending it to even reads the contents, and to get a professional effect, you may try saving your documents in a Protected Mode, which means the document can’t be edited, which gives a more professional feel to it, for more on why this is, check out this article HERE.

Make Copying Large Blocks of text easier on Mac’s using SlideMode

English: MacBook Pro at the desktop.

English: MacBook Pro at the desktop. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

When your using a MacBook or any Mac, you might find it hard at times to select a large block of text to copy, and this probably is more of an issue when using a trackpad for your mouse, than on desktops but regards of your hardware platform you might find it a bit easier using keyboard shortcuts that can be provided by the program SlideMode for Mac OS.

Changing the Font size on your iPhone or iPad with Bookmarklet

Image representing iPad as depicted in CrunchBase

Image via CrunchBase

Perhaps you don’t like the current font size a page is displaying with on your iPhone or iPad device and you wish you could change it so that you don’t go blind, or that you can see more than 4 characters at a time on the screen, you can do this by employing a bookmarklet and getting a little busy, for details on how to change the font size, check out this article HERE.